Hi church,
As a leadership team we are so excited to see what God is doing in the lives of many in our church; we have more and more people joining home groups where they are growing in their faith as they read and study the bible together, we have members actively sharing their faith and inviting friends to church; there are new ministries starting responding to needs in our community whether it is our weekly youth, our new young adults ministry or the Thursday craft group - things are moving and God is using us to make a difference.
Why do we see this growth? I firmly believe that when we as His followers continue to read the bible, grow in our faith and share the gospel God will do the work through His Spirit.
John 15:4 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
Sunday Worship
You have resumed our "in person" worship services and we invite you to attend those meetings as we study the Word together and also enjoy spending time together as friends.
We also continue to stream our message live.
How to connect to live stream?
We are excited to launch our new platform for giving which will make donating to our ministries and our weekly offering simple.
Sunday Offering: We are still not able to take up an offering on Sundays but we encourage you to follow the link below to our online giving platform.
Direct link This link will take you straight to our secure giving page.
May you have a lovely week and we hope to see you at church on Sunday.
Grace and peace
Marius Kruger